Halloween is almost here, and it’s time to get spooky! Celebrate with witches, bats, and silly ghosts this holiday season, and throw a fun party for friends, family, and neighbors! Pelican Bluffs Apartments in Windsor has compiled this list of ideas to make your party memorable. We’ve included the fun, the scary, and the silly, so pick and choose your favorites, or use these as an inspiration to come up with your own ideas. If you’re in need of the perfect spot for your festivities this year, check out our one and two bedroom apartments today. We offer onsite amenities, beautiful units, and a great location. Give us a call today to schedule an appointment to view your next home.

Throw An Amazing Halloween Party With These 10 Ideas
candy, and lots of it
What do you think of when you consider Halloween? Candy! Buy some treats from the store, or cook up your own special sweets for your party. After you decide what kinds of candy you’ll have for your guests, don’t forget about trick-or-treaters! If your party is on Halloween night, you’ll probably have adorable astronauts and ballerinas knocking on your door, so you’d better be prepared to start handing out the treats.
add healthy alternatives
As great as candy is, including other options is probably a good idea. You could combine the sweet with something healthy by creating a caramel apple bar. Serve yourself some fruit, but cover it in caramel, candy corn, and other sweet toppings. Some other savory alternatives could include swamp goo guacamole, brains on a plate (pasta), or deviled egg eyeballs.
custom beverages
Give your sodas or beers a facelift, and create your own custom labels! Come up with a fun design or clever name for your drinks like “Witches Brew,” or “Dracula’s Blood Punch.” Tape the labels over the existing bottles, and viola! You’ve created a fun party favor for your guests to enjoy. You could also make various types of punch or mixed drinks, and serve them in fun bowls with similar names. Adding a twist to your drinks will bring some fun to an otherwise mundane beverage selection.
spiderwebs everywhere
Get your creepy-crawly on, and set the atmosphere with spiderwebs. There are many different options for web-based items, so here are a few to get your creative juices flowing:
- Decorative webs for the corners, ceilings, curtains and tables
- Spiderweb window decals
- Placemats shaped like webbing
- Webs painted or drawn onto temporary tablecloths
You can include fake spiders with any of these decorations to add to the spook factor! You can even freeze toy spiders into ice cubes to give your guests a fright.
vampire teeth
Grab a package of silly vampire teeth from your local party store, and make sure all your guests are ready to suck blood from the puny mortals. These fun props are inexpensive, and can lead to lots of laughs. Add them to the serving station, take group photos, or hand them out as a candy alternative to all the trick-or-treaters that visit.
add some light
Spruce up the surroundings with Halloween themed lighting. For interior or exterior usage, you can purchase rolls of lights in purple and orange for the classic Halloween color scheme. You could also use traditional white Christmas lights, and make your own cutouts with construction paper to adorn your walls with Jack-o-Lanterns, witches, and black cats.
decorate your door
Mark your apartment, so your guests know where to go. Halloween wreaths, door decals, spider webs, skeletons, and “Enter if You Dare” signs can spread your Halloween spirit to everyone coming to the party! Get everyone in the mood for a night of tricks and treats from the minute they arrive.
carve some pumpkins
Don’t mess with the classics! Jack-o-Lanterns are traditional, and they never go out of style. Make creepy or funny faces to set the tone of your home’s festivities. Purchase fake mini candles to reduce the fire hazard, but still keep the flickering fun of a pumpkin’s inner light.
make fun games
Add some fun for the kids at your extravaganza. Adapt classic party games to fit your theme. You could play pin the spider on the web, craft a candy corn piñata, or play hide and spook! Entertaining the little ones in your life will bring joy to all, young and old.
costume competition
Encourage your friends to dress up, and hold a competition! Halloween parties are always more fun when you get to admire all the crazy costumes. You could get really serious and offer small prizes for the best costumes, or go for a more casual vibe and just do it for the bragging rights.
We hope this list of ideas has helped to spark some ideas for your own celebrations this year! If you’re in need of an apartment this year, give Pelican Bluff a call. Our beautiful units in Windsor are newly remodeled, and we offer a wide range of amenities. We can’t wait to welcome you into our neighborhood!